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Relatório financeiro

Controadoria as a Service (CaaS)

Controladoria como Serviço (CaaS) é uma solução inovadora criada para atender à crescente demanda por gestão financeira simplificada e tomada de decisões estratégicas. Ao terceirizar funções-chave de controladoria, as empresas acessam expertise especializada sem o ônus de manter uma equipe interna. Este serviço abrange planejamento financeiro, orçamento, relatórios, conformidade e análise de desempenho, oferecendo uma abordagem abrangente para a gestão da saúde financeira.

Projetado para empresas de todos os tamanhos, o CaaS permite que os líderes se concentrem nas operações principais, garantindo precisão e transparência financeiras. Com insights em tempo real e estratégias orientadas por dados, esse serviço promove agilidade na tomada de decisões e impulsiona o crescimento a longo prazo. Ideal para startups, PMEs ou empresas consolidadas que buscam otimizar custos, o CaaS transforma a gestão financeira em um processo contínuo, eficiente e orientado a resultados.

In every company, regardless of its size, the controllership activity is fundamental. It is through it that we are able to monitor the economic, financial and strategic performance of any business. Adequate economic and financial management, with accurate and relevant information is essential to enable and maximize the results of any organization.

In small and medium companies, it doesn't make sense to have a management structure where we have a Controller or a CFO responsible for overseeing finances and results. Keeping a professional with this necessary training is very expensive and would most often be underutilized.

With this, the tasks related to controllership that should be performed by a specialized professional are not done or are under the responsibility of other professionals who are not always trained and are not dedicated to carrying out these functions.

Outsourcing Controladoria
Outsourcing Controladoria

In this scenario we have the following situations:

  • The company has the feeling that its information is unreliable;

  • The company's management system is underutilized;

  • Business concepts are poorly formulated;

  • Important aspects of financial management go unnoticed;

  • There is too much data and too little relevant information;

  • The economic and financial reports are lead to the right decision;

  • Difficulties in having up-to-date and reliable financial information;

  • Controls are vulnerable;

  • The profitability of business units, market segments, branches and products is not analyzed;

  • Executives do not know how to properly analyze available information;

  • Lack of inventory control;

  • Increased fiscal, labor and strategic risks;

  • Inappropriate pricing formation;

  • Feeling that the company makes a profit, but does not know where the money goes;

  • Lack of action plans;

  • Among other factors...

If your company has these symptoms, we at Valini can help resolve these problems!

Our goal is to make you achieve your results through strategic and reliable information. "We are not report writers."

Information is the necessary input for us to recommend the best strategies for your company.

We provide all the necessary support, from the structuring of relevant information to the implementation of strategies.

We have a team of highly qualified professionals who will continuously monitor and analyze your company's results, acting as a senior management staff and assisting in strategic decisions related to the financial areas, internal processes, strategy, human resources, markets and investments.

Outsourcing Controladoria

Advantages of having an External Comptroller with Valini:

  • On a monthly basis, our professionals will analyze all of your company's income accounts, identifying variations, monitoring targets and promptly recommending corrective actions;

  • Identification of management and operating risks;

  • Definition and monitoring of KPI's aiming at constant improvement processes;

  • External and impartial view in the management process, helping to improve the company's governance;

  • Identification and standardization of expense centers, profit centers, business units and chart of accounts, aiming at a more detailed view of your company;

  • Increased organizational effectiveness, increasingly seeking to do more with less;

  • Constantly compare expected performance with actual performance;

  • Implementation of spot management;

  • Possibility of identifying the best tax options;

  • Implementation of Budget and Cost Management;

  • Analysis of the Financial Statements carried out by your accounting firm;

  • Verification of weaknesses in internal controls;

  • Monthly generation for the Board of detailed controllership reports and performance indicators for decision making.

Work Steps:
Outsourcing Controladoria


  • Ensuring data reliability: verifying that the data provided by the company's ERP or financial system is consistent;

  • Diagnosis of policies, current management model, decision models, cost models, procedures and financial controls, monitoring of current results;

  • Definition of the changes that will be necessary in the management concepts applied in the company;

  • Integration with Valini's management reporting templates.

  • Adherence and consistency tests.

Economic-financial analysis and control

  • After the implementation phase, Valini makes periodic visits (weekly, fortnightly or monthly, depending on the client's characteristics), and a monthly meeting with the board to deliver the External Controllership report with financial indicators, charts, financial statements in a model DRE, comments and analysis, proposition of corrective and preventive actions.

  • At this stage, we will be able to suggest changes to redefine parameters, procedures and routines.

  • In more extreme cases, it is even possible to guide the adaptation or replacement of the client's financial and cost management system.

Activities performed monthly

  • Definition and monitoring of Economic-Financial Performance Indicators; •

  • Financial and Cost Management Analysis;

  • Analysis of Indicators and Proposition of Corrective and Preventive Actions;

  • Preparation of the Financial Result Statement on an accrual basis – revenue, cost, expense and investments, subdivided into business units, head office – branch, holding – subsidiaries and consolidated;

  • Correlations of absolute values ​​in performance indicators, and cross-checking information with other processes, establishing more sophisticated and effective indicators;

  • Recommendation and establishment of goals for each indicator;

  • Support for the preparation of action plans, during periodic analyses;

  • Support for corrective, preventive and restorative actions during periodic analyses;

  • Budget monitoring of each control account along with the financial sector and responsible managers.

Activities performed quarterly

  • Punctual Financial and Cost Audit.

Activities performed every six months

  • Financial and Cost Planning and Budgeting;

  • Elaboration of the integrated budget piece – revenue, cost, expense and investments, subdivided into business units, head office – branch, holding – subsidiaries and consolidated.

All of these can be customized according to the needs of each company. To support the entire decision process, we have web tools, and if the client wants, the work can be carried out in electronic spreadsheets or in the client's own system as long as it is feasible.

Contact us and we will present our work format and results in more detail.

Headquarters - São Paulo - SP

George Ohm Street, 206 - Tower B - 10th floor - Conj. 101 B, Cidade Monções - São Paulo - SP CEP: 04576-020

[email protected]   +55 (11) 2450-7488

Commercial Whatsapp +55 (11) 99635-9488

Ribeirão Preto - Office

Srg. Sílvio Delmar Hollenbach Street, 865, cj 4, Nova Ribeirânea 
[email protected] 
Fone:  +55 (16) 98238-0110 +55 (16) 3635-6325

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